Friday, January 11, 2019

AWS S3 Static Website 403 Forbidden error

Got a 403 forbidden access error when trying to test my S3 static website. I set a policy to enable Get access to all resources but still something was wrong. 

Exploring the security properties found this one: "Block public and cross-account access if bucket has public policies". I disabled it and finally was able to access site.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

AWS S3 Static Website Hosting Error saving new Read Policy

I started an AWS tutorial in which first step is setting up a bucket to host a static website. I was trying to apply a policy to enable read access to all contents of bucket but was getting this error saving it: Error Access Denied. Not a very detailed message.

I found that there is an option to "Block new public bucket policies" set in true by default.

I set it to false and problem solved. I guess AWS wants to make sure no one enables full read access of the entire bucket by mistake.